Growing up, weight was never an issue for me, as I was tall and thin. During 25 yrs of my 20’s-40’s I maintained a healthy weight of approx 200 lbs with my height of 6′ 4. Although I ate a fairly healthy diet, I was very active.
I stayed busy skiing, mountain biking and hiking. I also ate large quantities of food because I could (with my high metabolism).
As my 50th birthday approached, I remember feeling confident that the ‘Fat at 50 problem’ was everyone else’s problem… I was good!
Six months later while in Costa Rica with my family, I saw the dreaded beach picture.
It told a different story! Suddenly I had developed a substantial belly; seemingly overnight . When I came home and got on the scale it no longer read 200 pounds, rather it read 228! I was convinced that the scale was broken, until I confirmed after multiple attempts at arriving at a different number that it was in fact correct.
This opened my eyes to the fact that my body had changed and I couldn’t blame the scale. I also realized that my energy had disappeared, I was very sluggish during the day, had constant brain fog, and wasn’t sleeping well at night… these were changes I couldn’t continue to live with for the rest of my life.
After starving off 10 pounds in one week, I deprived my body to the point where I almost needed to go to the ER with horrible pains in my side. It became clear I needed to re-think my strategy.
I was determined to combat this situation and to regain and maintain my healthy, active lifestyle. What little I knew about traditional diets had me doubting their viability as a long-term solution.
With that in mind, I set about researching other sustainable weight loss options and learned about the importance of intermittent fasting and cellular cleansing with Isagenix supplements and superfood nutrition as part of a healthy nutritional lifestyle regimen in combination with healthy fork & knife food.
As I embarked on my health transformation journey, I released 29 pounds and 20 inches overall during a short period of time. I was excited because my energy returned after just one week, and I even hired a personal trainer for the first time in my life!
Over the next 6 months I put on 7 pounds of lean muscle and over the next year settled into a healthy weight of 200 pounds.
I got my life back and went from being at the back of the pack with mountain biking buddies back to the front of the pack where I belong.
I’m grateful for the opportunity I had to transform my health and I put in place a strategy to focus on ongoing weight wellness rather than weight loss!
If you are ready to start your own health journey, I would love to teach you how to get started and succeed. (Insert link to the nutrition package or make a button)